Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Great Expectations

Hi All!

I welcome you to our classroom blog. This forum is for extended learning, constructive feedback...and of course to get us accustomed to communicating and sharing ideas via blogs which are quickly becoming a huge part of web marketing.

Teaching is challenging. Trust me if I could go back in time I would kiss all of my teachers…….pick them up and twirl them around to thank them for sticking it out. However, although it is challenging it is one of the best challenges one could ever have. It’s a lesson in transferring knowledge, inspiring others and leadership….. all in a day’s work. On top off all that when you have the good fortune of teaching at a place that’s so dynamic band interesting you feel especially honored to be a part of the process. You also get the awesome opportunity to learn so much from the creative business minded students in this program.

I received a lot of feedback at the end of last quarter…some good…some not so good. To make a long story short, I realized no one was jumping up and down about this course I didn’t get it…. we’re a society that have a 100 “friends” on myspace that we’ve never met, haven’t used a stamp to pay a bill in years and when people ask us if they can fax something instead of emailing it we get annoyed. Seriously, the internet defines our lives. So I decided I needed to take aggressive action so our students could understand the role of E commerce in their daily lives…and the amazing possibilities associated with the field. After finishing my last class on December 13th I realized I had some work to do.

Thankfully the semester ended right at the holiday. Just to give you some background… Every Christmas I go home for about two weeks…. (My family lives in the suburbs of Chicago..A small town Gary, Indiana. Michael Jackson is from there also..But don’t hold it against me.) During the holidays, I normally, sleep until noon, get dressed around 3 pm and rent every movie under the sun…and watch them twice. After hitting the mall and entertaining some old friends…I’ll go to dinner take another nap then wake up again just soon enough for the Jay Leno monologue…then I go to sleep AGAIN…wake up and do it all over again. About two weeks and five holiday pounds later I return to L.A. It’s a real blast;)

This break after my fall quarter that all changed. Every day with the exception of Christmas and New Years eve I was brainstorming, researching and planning how I could make this Ecommerce class better than ever…better yet how I could make this class PHENOMENAL. Was it possible for an Ecommerce class to be Phenomenal? After I really put it all in perspective I discovered I am in fact teaching one of the most interesting things on the world radar. This class is about the INTERNET for crying out loud….of course its phenomenal. It’s not only phenomenal it’s a worldwide phenomenon.

I got Re-Energized… Inspired…Psyched……. and couldn’t wait to walk back into the school gates again and share my knowledge and experiences with all of you.

During my “vacation” I also took a closer look at of the things that are changing the world via the web such as virtual networks like second life, the concept of business blogging and the never ending mystery behind getting “Googled.” There’s so much to explore! I also have some great networking experiences planned for you that we will go over in the syllabus.

Let’s commit to make this a community learning experience…each of us sharing ideas and bringing new concepts to the table. I’m very happy and excited about this quarter. I hope you that each of you take this opportunity to learn all you can…and that we all have fun in the process. Did I mention I was excited?

Cheers to a Fantastic Quarter! I’m looking forward to working with each and every one of you. Check back with me next week for the next episode of the “Young and the Internet”

R Harvey


ALucas said...

I like the guest speakers. Its VERY interesting and gives us a feel to how this class will play out in the real world. :)

Bonnie said...

I enjoy the guest speakers, they provide us with an oppertuntiy to network, and are better learning tool than textbook because they can relate the information better because its their real life.

stephaniewettlin said...

It's refreshing to know that a teacher is actually excited about how they want to teach and improve the class, and I appreciate that you feel that way, and are eager to impart your knowlegde to us. And while probably all of us use the internet on a daily basis, what we use it for is fun stuff, like myspace, or shopping, or whatever; we consider that to be fun, but the idea of conducting business online is more like work. I think that a good way to get students to connect with the idea of ecommerce would be to show that it is a fun way to conduct business.

Ralinda Harvey said...

thanks girls...I appreciate your thoughts. I decided to do so many guest speakers because that is the way I conduct my business. I deal with a lot of different experts to ensure the best possible results for any project.

If you ever end up in the Online Commerce field or marketing in general you too will have to deal with outside contractors such as the speakers we have in class. Even large companies hire specialist in things like search engine optimization and public relations to supplement their in house staff.

Therefore I wanted to introduce you all to some of the key players that you may utilize in the future. Please enjoy them and take cards etc... you may end up reaching back to them in the future. You can never have too many resources!!

See you guys next week!

R Harvey