Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Blog for Thought

Hi Guys...

Thanks to all who completed the midterm blog! I appreciate your critical thinking and participation.

Hopefully this exercise helps you to check the class blog more frequently. I'm going to post at least once a week until the end of the quarter.

It's not required reading but participating will definitely enhance your learning experience and give readers some ideas and support for the final project.

Check out the blog by Bill Marriott, chairman of the Marriott Hotels. http://www.blogs.marriott.com/

Do you think this helps connect customers to the company or is it just gibberish?

If not how could it be improved to make more of an impact?

Is anyone considering creating a blog for their company for the final project....if so give us a preview on how and why a blog may be effective for your project company. Remember for the final project it is all about being creative; using all the tools and lessons you've learned to really make a difference in these companies.

Please take it very seriously...it's a big part of your grade and also a big opportunity for some professional exposure. Very exciting!!

Happy Blogging...

R Harvey